Our Volunteer Team
Volunteers as Board Members, Officers, Advisers and Staff gave of their time and professional experience to create and nurture the One World, Our World School Program. No history of the program would be complete without acknowledging these individuals for thework they did.

Since its incorporation as a 501c3 in 1996 through its dissolution in 2014 each of these people helped guide development from a traveling slide show to what became the digital format presentation and “Presenter Training DVD” that is now the legacy of the program. (Note: an * designates an original board member while GREEN indicates a person on the concluding team.) Each served without compensation, and often were financial backers at key stages of content and equipment growth.
- Diane Bailey School Principal and SDUSD Humanities Team (curric Dev and training)
- Sal Castellitto Teacher, RPCV
- Kreg Cobb Business Owner, outgoing 1WOW Exec Dir
- Brad Cox Business Owner, RPCV
- *Hank Davenport Counselor SDSU, RPCV, 1WOW President
- Faye Duggan Corporate Professional, Dedicated Volunteer
- Michael Hirsh International Development Specialist at USDA FAS, Former Peace Corps Country Director, RPCV
- *Jan Imbrescia Graphic Artist
- Gil Marcotte Business Owner and frequent Angel
- *Tom McMahon Business Owner, Consultant, 2-term Mayor of Reading PA, RPCV, 1WOW CFO
- Catherine McMillan, RIP, former Dir of Coachella Valley Catholic Charities
- Carl Petersen Retired Consultant, 1WOW Secretary, RPCV
- Kim Plummer English Language Learner Solutions Manager at an Education Publisher
- Ron Ranson UCSD Professor, 1WOW Secretary, RPCV
- Lisa Rivera Senior Project Manager Medidata, CFO, RPCV
- Holly Ocasio Russo Freelance Writer and educator
- *Craig Sherman Attorney, RPCV
- *Bette Sovinee Training Mgr NJDEP, Montessori School Board, First 1WOW President
- *Bonnie Sovinee Business Owner, Foundation and Trade Association Boards and Officers
- *Rudy Sovinee Created the 1WOW Program in 1989, Sole presenter until this content release. Upon incorporation as a 501c3 in 1996 Executive Director and general all-in-one tech guru until an early retirement became necessary in 2006.
- Anne Stadler Palomar College EOPS/CARE/CalWorks Director, RPCV
- Jean Taylor CA State PTA Honorary Service Award Recipient and Former President San Diego 9th District PTA, 1WOW Secretary
- Dr. Shirley Weber Prof SDSU & Former Pres. of SDUSD Board of Ed.,
Assemblymember CA’s 79th Assembly District - Brenda Wilson Vice President of Content and Out-of-School Programs – Sally Ride Science. writer/producer at Disney, Scholastic, TV411 and SpaceKids.com where she became the Executive Producer.
- *Frank Yates City of SD Engineer, 1WOW CFO and frequent Angel, RPCV