DO LOOK UP! Why does it so often get so cold if there is Global Warming? The movie “Don’t Look Up” is getting all this attention as a parody of the climate crisis, yet it doesn’t mention that in the movie. Why? The Politics of the USA is divided as people take opposing sides on the Build Back … [Read more...]
Climate Sensitivity to CO2
Climate Sensitivity to CO2 ... determines the degree of warming Planet Earth incurs as the atmospheric concentration of CO2 rises. People and especially governmental policy makers need to understand the consequences that will occur due to past and future emissions. The images of fires and smoke … [Read more...]
Methane amplifies global warming
For all the talk, studies, reports, climate conferences, and marketing of Green Energy, human society has not curbed planetary warming. Even if human emissions leveled, Arctic methane emissions are a growing threat amplifying global warming, because they are increasing. Climate systems are reacting … [Read more...]
Carbon Sequestration
The best and fastest carbon sequestration begins with better land stewardship, smaller plots planted more diversely - mimicking the diversity of a forest. Trees grow by root interaction in synergy with fungi, different fungi for fruit trees than nuts. For shallower root systems like vegetables, … [Read more...]
Consumption affects sustainability
The 1WOW Assembly provides insights into the conflict to expect when inequality is experienced in consumption options. From the assembly, students see what is fair (or not) about food and energy. Just like schoolyard scraps break out so will international conflicts; it is just a matter of scale. … [Read more...]